15 juli

Ska vi, ska vi inte... ska vi, ska vi inte?
Vågar vi chansa? Eller är det dumt ?

Ja. Glad var jag för stunden iallafall.
var kom all energi ifrån? Kom på mig
själv med att sitta & röja med handen
(Carro&jennifer vet vad jag menar)

Och ja bara tänkte vadfan håller jag på
med? För att inte tala om att de nästan
blev glädjetårar när jag pratade med josefin.
Och luftgitarren som jag körde, ensam.

Det var verkligen ett glädjerus !

Bästa !
Men.. hur blir det nu ?


Shut me out completely,
That would not be such a sin.
Lock up every entry,
Make sure that there's no way for me to get in

Won't try to pry them open,
Never mind knock upon your doors.
Truth is that there's no reason for me to even see your face anymore.

But I need you ears and I need them now I've got something to say,
I'm not here today to win you back just to remind you that.

Sure as the rain starts to fall,
Yes I'll always remember you dear.
And though we don't talk anymore.
I was crazy for you..
yes I was crazy for you, that's for sure.

So sure as the rain starts to fall,
Yes I'll always remember you close
And though we don't touch anymore.
I was crazy for you..
I'm still crazy for you, that's for sure.

Postat av: Anonym



2008-07-16 @ 03:18:55
URL: http://natalieeriksson.blogg.se/

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